OCW homeJune 2014

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the OCW Insider!

We are starting this periodic publication for One Click Wonders customers as a service. Our notion is to convey timely tidbits of information, address frequently asked questions and make ourselves more available and accessible to you. We hope you agree and encourage any feedback you may care to offer. So here we go...

What's new at OCW?
We are now in the tenth year of the Terri-and-Dave business partnership and still going strong. Dave's retirement from Clemson University in June 2011 made it much easier for him to take calls during the day, while Terri (still working at Clemson) is still pulling the late afternoon shift with clients. While we both continue to be comfortable helping both Mac and PC users, we intend to have Terri handle most of the Mac work and to let Dave deal with most of the PC issues as we both continue to strive to better our skills with all aspects of both operating systems. This division of labor is not hard-and-fast, and client preference always takes precedence.

What's new in the Windows world?
Probably the most significant development has been the final end of support of Windows XP by Microsoft earlier this year. While this does not means that users of XP must replace their computers immediately, it does mean that over time it will become more difficult and potentially more dangerous to venture out on the Internet with an XP computer. XP used only for word processing, spreadsheets, playing .mp3 music files, or storing photos locally can probably continue to be used safely until the hardware needs to be replaced for other reasons. We can help you decide whether to keep your older computer or upgrade to a new one. If an upgrade is warranted, we can help you make the transition with a minimum of fuss. If you've already upgraded but finding Windows 7 or Windows 8 a difficult adjustment, we can offer assistance in making the change.

What's new in Macintosh land?
Apple continues to roll out new versions of its operating system (now at 10.9 or Mavericks as it was named, ending Apple's long-running affinity for cat monikers) being the latest. Over the last few years, each revision has offered improvements in functionality and stability for users while providing a reasonably consistent "feel"with earlier versions. If you are running a Mac that is less than six years old and have not upgraded to Mavericks, you may want to consider it, as Apple is offering the software for free (it must have an Intel processor)! When version 10.10 comes out next fall, early reports suggest that the "look" and "feel" of the Macintosh will undergo some substantial changes. Again, we can help you with decisions about upgrades of hardware or software, taking into account how you intend to use your computer now and in the future.

What do you want to know more about?
We've only scratched the surface on possible topics about using your computer. What is "the cloud" and what, if anything does it mean to you? What kinds of things can you do to keep your computer happy and healthy? What are you doing to protect yourself from loss of valuable documents and pictures stored on it? What factors should you consider when looking at a new computer, especially if you decide to change from a PC to a Mac (or vice versa)? What about tablet-style computers (e.g. the Mac "iPad" and Microsoft "Surface" models)? And what about the dreaded change to a new "smart" phone? These are but a few of the many things we hope to examine both here and in person with you, should you desire an in-person consultation.

Is that all for now?
Yes, and we hope this information has been helpful to you.  And if you would prefer not to receive any further copies of Insider, just reply to this message and let us know (no questions asked). But we hope that you will want to receive periodic mailings from us.  We would very much welcome any feedback you might have, especially any questions you might like us to address in the future.  Thank you so much!
